The Common Wealth of Kentucky Project

Fine art and narrative and oral storytelling reveal the true wealth of Kentucky.

Hint: it’s the people who live here.

The Common Wealth of Kentucky Project Book

The Common Wealth of Kentucky book studies the rich Kentucky experience and that which connects us, the humans who live here. Through the eyes, voices, and personal narratives of 70 people who call Kentucky home, you will learn something new and come to understand this commonwealth uniquely. Written and sound-produced by Beth Pride with original artwork by internationally-acclaimed impressionist painter Kelly Brewer, this limited edition, 11x11 high quality, vibrant, full-color book chronicles a year-long project traveling Kentucky, painting people, and recording their stories. The book is a unique and powerful multi-sensory experience where visual, written, and oral storytelling converge into an artful impression with an essential purpose of benefiting Kentuckians in need.

An Inspired Collaboration

For over a year, internationally acclaimed impressionist painter Kelly Brewer, author/storyteller Beth Pride, and advocate Jill Johnson traveled Kentucky painting, interviewing, and recording the oral histories of people from all walks of life. The Common Wealth of Kentucky Project culminated in a powerful, multimedia art exhibition and book that captured a community of 70 people and told the Kentucky story through portrait art and narrative and oral storytelling. Inspired by Jo Robertson, artist Kelly Brewer’s mother, her deep belief in humanity and love for all people, the Common Wealth of Kentucky Project explores and reveals the richness embodied in this beautiful state, the people who live here, and the common connections we have with one another. 

See. Read. Hear.

Everyone has a story, unique and compelling, with different ways to share: The places we live and from where we come, lasting impressions that light the history in our eyes, and the sounds of our voices echoing who we are and the true depth of our goodness and humanity. See Kelly’s beautiful portraits, read their narratives, and hear the stories in their own voices via QR code links to short individual podcasts.

Proceeds Benefit KY and Global Charities