Thank You KET

I’m resharing this story from The Common Wealth of Kentucky Project website for several reasons: a.) I love it. Kentucky Educational Television’s Tom Bickley and team did a fantastic job of capturing the motivation and essence of what Kelly, Jill, and I set out to accomplish, and b.) he uses a ton of my footage from the collection of videos I created along our journey, and c.) I don’t want this waking up to go away. Thousands saw and engaged in our story about our deep connections as members of this rich and beautiful Kentucky. It was like an April rain washing away the gray winter.

The project is a reminder, too, of the power of art and storytelling. As I work towards publication of my debut novel while starting another, I need that reminder.

But as we say around here, that’s a whole nuther story.

Here’s the KET segment. Enjoy.


Feel the Age You Feel


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