Play Action Fake: How High Tech Service Drops The Ball

Play Action Fake: How High Tech Service Drops The Ball

I can't help but wonder what the service reps are doing during the hours we are together on the sidelines; maybe the same as me. I picture the first guy working his nautilus, customer service headset securely in place, hold button close by for between sets. The second lady is shopping online or potting a mum. For most of the call, she had me on mute, said she was with me the whole time. So when the music started back up, a foreboding transition, I rationalized she must be picking her kid up from school. Ever hopeful she would return, I pictured radio waves rolling across America for an entire afternoon while I waited for someone to help me find my order. I even had time to search up articles on Google, "Are electromagnetic waves bad for the environment?"

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The Truth About the Herd

The Truth About the Herd

Thank God for Tik Tok. You won't find many Gen Xers who agree with me generally, but more specifically, how could we have survived the shutdown without the memes and stories we furiously forwarded to our friends and family? They engendered an ounce of levity during a freakishly "unprecedented time", and they connected us with others effortlessly. That connection was really, really important. That connection is the premise of this blog.

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